A £ 1.4 million marketing campaign of the Council for Agriculture and Horticulture Development (AHDB), supported by the National Union of Farmers, will include two spikes in promotional activity: the first starts in the summer and the second in September, coinciding with the peak offer british lamb.
The work aims to stop the steady decline in lamb sales and increase consumer attitudes towards meat among a number of different target audiences.
AHDB will work closely with retailers and catering companies to coordinate an approach to promoting the sheep sector in the coming months.Will Jackson, AHDB Beef and Lamb Strategy Director, said: “AHDB has been working for several months to see how best to support the sheep sector in the face of uncertainty. Although the results are still unclear, we will focus our marketing efforts on sheep in the coming seasons to ensure that the lamb is in the spotlight of consumers. ”
The campaign will use a variety of methods to reach the target audience, including widescreen outdoor posters, print ads, and social media channels.