The atmosphere of coniferous forest can be easily created on your site with the help of spruce and pine. Veymutova pine is a tall coniferous plant brought to Russia from America. It is ideal for gardening and landscaping. From the article you will learn about the features of this species, its best varieties with a description and rules for caring for the plant.
Features of the species Pinus strobus
Veymutova pine belongs to the Pine family. Pinus strobus in Latin means "pine with cones." A tree of this species is decorative and tall, reaching 50 m high. The diameter of the barrel varies from 10 to 15 m.The adult plant has a branched, lush, rounded crown. The bark has a gray tint, which tends to darken with age.
The first years there are no cracks on the cortex; it is smooth, light green in color. They appear at a more mature age. The kidneys are brown, tarry. The tree has a rare branching. Coniferous bunches are collected from 5 needles. The needles are soft, up to 10 cm long, have a slightly curved shape. The color of the needles can be from green-blue to bright green. The needles alternate every 2-3 years.
The tree propagates by seeds that are in cones, 8–20 cm long. Male cones in shape resemble an ellipse, light brown in color. Females look like a cylinder, and when opened, become slightly ovoid. Wings of seeds 1.5–2.5 cm long.
The tree develops rapidly the first 40 years of life. At this age, the average height is 19–20 m. The plant has resistance to cold and frost, is in the 5th frost resistance zone. Strong winds and gusts of blizzards will also not interfere with the plant. The average age of the Weimutov pine is about 400 years.Did you know? From the hardened resin of old pines, a valuable stone is made of amber.
Top 10 varieties and their features
Decorative forms of pine differ depending on its type.
Weimutov pine has several species, the most common of which are:
- low shrub shape;
- weeping with shoots tending to the ground;
- blue with a corresponding shade of needles;
- silver, which has needles with a silver tint.
In the landscape, tall plants most often dominate. They are grown in parks, on city alleys, summer cottages and the outskirts of paths.
Important! The tree looks great in composition with sea buckthorn, oak and coniferous plants, for example, with spruce or fir.
- Advantages of Weymouth pine:
- undemanding to leaving;
- variety of varieties;
- frost resistance.
She will give grace to cereal and flower compositions. Weimutov pine varieties are represented by trees with various forms of crown.
Weimutov pine Fastigiata can grow up to 15 m. A young tree resembles a shrub, but with age it stretches into a column, while the crown below reaches a diameter of 2 m. The needles have a silver hue. The advantage of the variety is its ability to adapt to any climate, care and soil.
Makopin (Macopin)
Variety Makopin is represented by specimens, the length of which is 120 cm. The needles on the bonsai are green with a blue tint, soft and flexible. The crown has a symmetrical round shape. The tree grows on any soil, but prefers nutritious sandy loam and loam.
Louis (Loiue)
Louis tree has a beautiful pyramid shape, its height does not exceed 7 m. The crown grows in breadth to 4 m. The color of the needles - yellow - surprises with originality. This color the plant acquires when it grows in a bright sunny area. In the shade, the color of the needles will be green. The pyramidal shape of the plant can be improved with the help of formation, cutting off branches sticking out randomly.
Green Twist
Green Twist refers to dwarf varieties. Many gardeners and landscape designers prefer it. Shrub reaches 120 cm up. The crown is wide, with a diameter of about 110 cm. The plant lends itself well to shaping, with which you can create various shapes, for example, an oval. The color of soft needles is slightly blue.
Young needles are lighter than mature ones. Such a contrast creates a whole palette on one shrub. The plant takes root well both in the sun and in the shade. A feature of the variety is undemanding care and good resistance to frost.
Did you know? Artificial silk and artificial leather are made from pine wood.
Variety Radiata has a small height - 4 m. For young trees, the shape of the crown is in the form of a cone, and for mature trees it is a ball. The length of the needles is 10 cm. The growth of the tree is slow, the maximum increase in height per year is 10 cm. The Radiata variety is unpretentious to the soil and climate.
Green Curls
Grade Green Curls is represented by small pines. They are regular and symmetrical. The crown diameter is 1 m. The needles are silvery and soft. The average increase in height over the year is 8 cm. Prefers sunny terrain. In landscape design, it is used in group and single stands.
Torulosa (Torulosa)
The form of the variety Torulose is pyramidal and asymmetric. The growth per year is about 45 cm. The height of a 25-year-old tree is 8 m. The branches are uneven, bent randomly. Prefers shadow and partial shade. The plant is frost-resistant.The tree does not tolerate marshy and lowland areas with high soil moisture.
Pendula cultivar is mainly used for planting on stony land.x The tree grows up to 4 m, and its crown is 3-4 m in diameter. By cutting the tree, you can adjust the height. The shape of the crown resembles a weeping willow, branches stretch to the ground. The growth of the plant is about 40 cm per year.
Weimutov Pendula pine can reach a hundred years of age. The lack of moisture adversely affects the health of the tree, so it is better to carefully select a place for planting.
Did you know? The highest is considered the Lambert pine. The height of specimens of this species is 80 m.
Horsford is a dwarf variety. Its height is about 80 cm. The crown in the shape of a ball is composed of lemon-green needles. The needles are long and thin. It is used in the design of gardens, in compositions with perennial flowers and low plants. It is located in 4 frost resistance zones.
The Glauka variety is represented by tall specimens with an average trunk height of 15 m. They adapt well to frosty climates. A pyramidal or oval crown consists of branches with gray-green or blue-green needles. Planting is best done in areas with good lighting and light, moist soil.
Other varieties
In addition to the above varieties of Weymouth pine, in the world there are others:
- Alba - A slow-growing tree of a pyramidal shape, about 20 m high. The color of the needles is bluish or bluish. The variety loves bright and sunny places.
- Minima - a miniature plant 80 cm high. Young specimens have a lemon-green hue, but with age they acquire turquoise with an admixture of white. The variety is whimsical to the landing site. He will not be able to fully develop in urban conditions. Highly susceptible to disease and pests.
- Nana - dwarf coniferous plant. The height of the tree is only 3 m. Designers are often attracted by an exquisite emerald color. In well-lit places, the tree grows lush and bright.
- Edel - has a spherical shape and a dense arrangement of branches. The crown diameter is 80 cm. The needles are soft oblong. Prefers to grow in well-lit places on any soil.
Pine care
Tree care is based on watering, top dressing and mulching. Usually, plants do not require additional watering, but it is better to nourish young ones with additional moisture.
There are several simple rules for watering plants:
- The best time for watering is morning or evening.
- Gardeners abundantly water the pine in spring and autumn. Under each tree contribute 15 liters of water.
- Dwarf pines are best watered every 2-3 weeks.
- It is necessary to exclude stagnation of water and excessive humidity.
- In severe drought, it is useful to spray needles.
The tree does not require constant feeding, although it treats it positively. The first top dressing is the application of humus or nitroammophoska during planting. Fertilizers for young plants can be purchased in specialized stores.
Mulching allows you to maintain optimal soil temperature and prevents the evaporation of moisture. The mulch layer is 5–10 cm. Peat chips are used for it. It is necessary to change the layer every autumn. Pinus strobus rarely needs pruning. Basically, it is produced at will, to give the crown the desired shape.
Important! It is better to wrap young and still unstable to frost trees for the winter with burlap. It will help the plant not only fight frost, but also the scorching rays of the sun.
Veymutova pine is a great way to add variety to the landscape design of the site. It is unpretentious to care, resistant to cold and practically does not suffer from diseases and pests. This makes it possible to grow such a tree even for a beginner gardener.