Since ancient times, honey has been known to people not only as a tasty, but also a very healthy product that contains a number of vitamins and minerals, so necessary for our body. Depending on the place of gathering, there are many types of this valuable result of the work of bees, and one of them, perhaps the most striking in taste, is meadow.
Description and characteristics of meadow honey
A wide species forbs, which can be found in meadows of different regions, the taste of honey, its appearance and characteristics can be slightly modified. Also, the weather conditions of the current season have a great influence on color and texture - hot and dry or rainy summers. These factors should be considered when choosing this product.
Did you know? The human blood contains 24 trace elements, 22 of which are in honey.
Chemical composition and calorie content
Taking into account fluctuations in the chemical composition of natural honey.Highlight the main elements that are present in this product:
- Glucose and fructose (or inverted sugar). The percentage of these components is approximately 80% of all sugar that is in its composition. It is the presence of these monosaccharides that affects the main characteristics (level of sweetness, nutritional value, etc.). It is believed that the higher the content of inverted sugar, the higher the quality of the product itself.
- Macro and trace elements. The natural product contains: Al (aluminum), Be (beryllium), B (boron), Bi (bismuth), V (vanadium), K (potassium), Co (cobalt), Ca (calcium), Mg (magnesium) , Na (sodium), Cl (chlorine), Cu (copper), Mn (manganese), Ag (silver), Si (silicon), Cr (chromium), lead (Pb), Mo (molybdenum) and others. All of them are participants in biochemical processes necessary for the activity of all systems of our body.
- Vitamins. Honey is a source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, as well as various enzymes.
Appearance and taste of honey
Meadow honey beekeepers are classified as first-class. Since nectar can be collected from bees from various meadow herbs and flowers (among which dandelions predominate, which are used as a medicine against bronchitis; thyme, which is a good remedy for indigestion and urethra, as well as clover, which cleanses the blood), the color of nectar can vary from light yellow to brown.
Taste also depends on the predominance of nectar forbs. For example, nectar obtained from the collection of dandelion pollen will have a slightly tart flavor and a bright yellow color.
Tasting characteristics: thick consistency, pronounced aroma, opacity. The collection period is June – August.Important! Scientists have proven that dark honey contains more minerals than other types of honey products.
The healing properties of meadow honey
- Due to its composition, honey has many medicinal properties that are often used in everyday life:
- strengthens the immune system, and therefore is universally used as a remedy for flu and seasonal colds;
- accelerates the cleansing of the body and the removal of toxins, toxins from the body;
- activates the regeneration processes, which leads to the rejuvenation and renewal of body cells, is used as home-made ointments for skin diseases, and is also part of many cosmetic preparations;
- cleanses blood vessels and normalizes the cardiovascular system, and therefore it is highly recommended for people with high cholesterol, heart disease, to prevent stroke and atherosclerosis, as well as varicose veins;
- It calms the nervous system, is useful for depression, stress and neurosis.
Features of the choice upon purchase
Due to its wide popularity and rather high price, fakes of this variety are found most often. Therefore, proceeding to the selection of a product from untested beekeepers, you should know the main signs of natural honey.
- The consistency of this product is such that it will drain very slowly from a spoon (it can be easily wrapped several times around), forming a small hill.
- The aroma should be pleasant and not sharp.
- This variety has an average crystallization rate and, when sugared, takes on a darker shade.
Video: how to distinguish real honey from fake
It is also necessary to have in stock several verification methods by which it is easy to distinguish a natural product from a fake:
- A small portion of honey diluted in water, in which the flour is mixed, will surely turn blue if iodine is added.
- A drop of honey on paper does not leave a wet trace, and if you set it on fire, it will not melt and will not change color.
- A small piece of bread, dipped in natural honey, hardens, in a fake - it softens.
- In a solution of honey and water, you can add a little vinegar. The presence of a reaction (hissing) indicates the addition of chalk to the product.
- Honey dissolved in distilled water (1: 2) may indicate the presence of molasses in it - to do this, add a couple of drops of ammonia. If the solution turns white and a brown precipitate forms at the bottom, there is molasses.
- To check for mechanical impurities, a small amount of the product is dissolved in distilled or boiled water - the natural product is completely dissolved, and the solution remains transparent.
Basic rules and norms of use
To avoid weight gain, it is recommended to adhere to the basic norms of daily consumption of the product. So, for adults who lead an active lifestyle and do not suffer from chronic diseases, you can eat up to 4 tablespoons per day. Children aged 3 to 12 years can eat no more than 2 tablespoons.
Important! Due to the fact that honey can cause allergies, it is contraindicated in children of the first year of life.
When using honey in various dishes or drinks, you should knowthat during heat treatment of food (temperature from 40 ° C), the structure of this product is destroyed, and most of the beneficial properties are lost. Honey can be added to warm tea, milk or desserts. It goes well with products such as: yogurt, dark chocolate, nuts, fruits, cereals.
Possible harm and contraindications
Taking into account the high content of carbohydrates and the calorie content of the product, as well as the absence of saturated fatty acids, its frequent consumption in large quantities can cause obesity, especially in people with a sedentary lifestyle.It’s also worth considering that this product can cause allergies, therefore, children should be introduced into the diet very carefully: always in small quantities and diluted in water or compote. According to the recommendations of doctors, this should not be done until 2 years.
The reason lies not only in possible allergic reactions, but also in the likelihood of bacterial infection of botulism in bacteria, from which the intestines of an adult are adequately protected. Pregnant and lactating women should also not refuse a useful product - 2-3 hours. spoons will enrich the body with the necessary useful substances. Another category of people who should use honey with extreme caution are people with a history of diabetes.
Fields of application
Due to its high taste and medicinal properties obtained from numerous medicinal herbs, honey has been widely used for many centuries in various fields of life: not only in cooking, but also as medical and cosmetic preparations.
In cosmetology
It is this variety that is most often used in home cosmetology - this contributes to its texture and an abundance of nutrients. Among the main procedures, the following are noted:
- Scrubs and peels - a product of sugared consistency is used, which, thanks to grains, is able to remove the keratinized layer of the skin, moisturize, enrich and saturate with vitamins. Also, this product allows you to calm irritated skin and heal inflammation. A greater effect of the application can be achieved by preheating the skin, for example, in a sauna.
- Wrapping - perfectly tones and nourishes the skin with vitamins, makes it soft and supple, promotes weight loss. The product can be applied to any area of the skin, which, then, is covered with a film for 30-40 minutes.
- Masks for face, hands and body - You can use a pure product or together with other components. The mask is applied for 30 minutes and then washed off with water. After this procedure, the skin structure improves, small wrinkles disappear.
- Hair masks - It is often used as the main component of hair masks, which improve blood circulation in the skin and help get rid of dandruff and brittle hair.
- Bath additives - can be used as an additive for evening bath. It helps to relax, relieve stress and tension, promotes deep sleep.
Important! Before carrying out the procedures, an allergic reaction test should be performed. — honey is applied to the inside of the hand and left for 15 minutes.
In cooking
Most often, honey is used in cooking as a natural substitute for sugar. For example, in the manufacture of flour products, it will retain moisture, which for a long time will not allow baking to become stale.
Honey is also used as various marinades for poultry and meat, so the finished dish will exude a delicate aroma and become covered with a crisp. In such marinades, you can add a little ginger, onion or lime, fresh garlic or coriander.Often used is a mixture of sweet nectar and soy sauce, which is watered with meat shortly before the end of the frying.
Sauces based on honey, olive oil and wine vinegar are used as dressings for leaf salads and goat cheese. This product is often used in the preparation of mixtures to strengthen the immune system that both adults and children eat with appetite - nuts, raisins and dried apricots are mixed with juice lemon and honey. Eating 2-3 tablespoons of such a treat helps to provide the body with the necessary vitamins, as well as clean the digestive tract.Honey is often used in recipes for healthy dried fruit sweets., and also as the main ingredient of the "elixir of youth" (using additional olive oil and lemon juice).
Did you know? Several thousand bees are able to produce about 35 kg of honey per year.
In folk medicine
Since time immemorial, honey has been used as the main ingredient in traditional medicine recipes. The systematic use of this product as food can relieve many ailments: to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, strengthen the immune system, relieve stress and overwork. It is also used as an ointment for hard-to-heal wounds - the bandage applied to it is used as a compress Thanks to its bactericidal action, swelling is removed near the wound, and after healing, there are no scars and scars.
Honey is perhaps the most common treatment for viruses and seasonal colds. (cough and sore throat). Warm drinks with this component have a strengthening effect on the whole body, and when paired with lemon, they prevent it from developing at an early stage of the disease. Regular consumption of just a few tablespoons of this product per day will protect against stress and nervous breakdowns, and warm drink with this ingredient in the evenings, guarantees a deep and healthy sleep.Teas with the addition of honey, due to the substance of tannin, will help quickly and painlessly cope with diarrhea.
Terms and conditions of storage
As a container for storing honey, glass, enameled or plastic sterilized containers with a tight-fitting lid are considered the most suitable. Storage in iron, galvanized and copper containers is unacceptable.
In open dishes, the product quickly absorbs moisture, which can ultimately lead to fermentation and spoilage. Also, it strongly absorbs odors, so the container should be kept as far away as possible from fish, onions, garlic and other strong-smelling products.The storage location must be protected from direct sunlight.under the influence of which honey loses its properties. The temperature in the room, according to GOST, can vary from –6 ° С to + 20 ° С. The optimal storage period is 12-14 months, but a longer period will not affect the quality of the product.
Summing up, it is worth noting once again that meadow honey is an indispensable product for the whole family - having a delicate aroma and sweet taste, it will not only become a bright addition to any dish, but, thanks to its healing properties, it can become an indispensable assistant in supporting the body’s health and body beauty.